Why You Should Keep Your iPhone Updated

Should I update my iPhone

We’re all guilty of it, we’ve put it off for weeks wondering “should I update my iPhone” and if it’s worth it. As an iPhone user, you will be familiar with the regular software updates that they throw our way. You may consent to these updates (or ignore them until you can no longer put […]

Mobile Data Usage – How Many MB Are In A GB?

What is mobile data usage

With many new plans including unlimited calls and texts, the deciding factor is generally how much mobile data they are offering. But you might be wondering, what is mobile data and how much do I really need? We are here to answer all your related questions, from “what is mobile data?” to our recommendations on how […]

Apple Launches New Self Service Repairs

Apple self service repairs

Apple has just announced that they will be launching new self service repairs in 2022! This will allow customers to fix their phones from the comfort of their own homes. Here is what we know so far…   What Is Apple Self-Service Repairs?   This service will give customers access to the tools and instructions they will need to fix their devices from home. It is set […]

How Much Phone Storage Do I Need?

How much mobile phone storage do I need

Keep wondering “how much phone storage do I need”? Worry not, this post is for you! Purchasing a new phone comes with a lot of decisions that can sometimes be quite overwhelming. From what brand, model, colour and most importantly, how much storage. Without enough storage your phone becomes redundant. We see the different numbers, but you may […]

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